Mason Staff Senate

Human Resources and Finance Panel: Recording and Follow-up Questions

The Staff Senate hosted a Human Resources and Finance Panel on June 25. Panelists included:

  • Deb Dickenson, vice president for Finance
  • Lester Arnold, vice president for Human Resources and Payroll
  • René Stewart O’Neal, vice president for Strategic Planning and Budgeting

View the recording.

As you can imagine, we received more questions than we had time to cover during the session. We are working to address the additional questions received.

View the updates from Parking and Transportation and the Child Development Center for answers to questions on those topics.

Purchasing office supplies:

Q: [During the COVID-19 pandemic] If we need office supplies and purchase them ourselves, can we be reimbursed? Is there a particular list of supplies from which we are allowed to choose?
A: Employees should work with the P-Card holder within their unit. It really is not the best practice to pay out of pocket for office supplies, and there is no guarantee that they will be reimbursed. The P-Card holder should be able to make the purchase through their Mason Amazon Business Account and have the supplies shipped directly to the employee’s home. If the P-Cardholder needs help, they can reach out to Jessica Adams.