November 2019

Message from the Chair

Lauren Clark Reuscher, Staff Senate. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services

Dear Mason Staff,

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am feeling grateful for the opportunity to work on a university campus. Mason always has a special air of excitement this time of year as everyone prepares for the end of the semester, Winter Graduation, and some well-deserved time off with family and friends.

This holiday season, the Staff Senate is sponsoring donation drives to collect food, children’s books, and other items for those in need. Check out more information here.

Beyond the holiday season, we have a lot to look forward to at Mason. I am serving as the staff representative on the Presidential Search Committee, and our work is underway. I invite you to share your thoughts on what you would like to see in our next president. The best way to share your feedback is through the search committee contact form. I encourage you to follow the search process at

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Lauren Clark Reuscher
Chair, Staff Senate