December 2017

No Meeting in January/Meeting Announcement February

Enjoy Your Winter Break! Staff Senate Resumes General Meetings in February

While the Staff Senate is perpetually working to advocate, educate, and appreciate Mason staff and non-student wage employees, we will take a brief pause in January to concentrate on our upcoming Staff Appreciation Events and resume our General Meetings in February.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018
10:30 a.m. to noon
Fairfax: Merten Hall, Room 1201
Arlington: Founders Hall, Room 720 (telepresence)
Science and Technology: Colgan Hall, Room 221 (telepresence)

Submit your questions for our guest speakers:

To promote dialogue at the Staff Senate general meetings, the Senate is collecting questions from constituents. This is your opportunity to ask university leadership about things that are important to you as Mason staff! Submit your question in advance using the online submission form or email your question to You may include your name, or you may ask to remain anonymous.

Staff Senate reserves the right to determine which questions are asked during the meeting. Any selected questions that are not asked during the session due to time constraints will be emailed to the guest speaker, and the responses will be published in the Staff Senate newsletter at a later date.

All who attend the Staff Senate general meeting are welcome to ask questions in-person, during the session.

For questions, contact