The August Staff Senate newsletter is out!
Join us for the final Summer Social, with ice cream and a toppings bar. Enjoy the company of your fellow colleagues with a delicious treat. A trivia contest will begin promptly at 1 p.m. This event is associated with Prince William Campus Fun and Wellness Day.
Charvis Campbell, (703) 993-8585,, University Life
Join us at the Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center for Gentle Yoga. Mats are available for those who need one. This event is associated with Prince William Campus Fun and Wellness Day.
Part of Mason’s Wellness Initiative and back by popular demand is the second annual Prince William Team Trivia Contest. Gather your colleagues up and pick up a registration packet! Partner with folks from your department or make new friends for a team of two to five people. This event is associated with Prince William Campus Fun and Wellness Day.
For more information, contact Doug Hernandez at
For more information on other events that day, click here.
In support of our campus initiative toward well-being, join us for the last summer social of the season. There will be food, yoga & zumba demos, raffles, and much more in the RAC.
Prizes for our raffle winners, sponsored by Recreation and Student Involvement, include: a free semester membership to all the gyms on campus (faculty/staff), a semester of Yoga/Pilates sessions (students) and “Design Me a Workout” packages (all). Our grand prize, open to everyone, is a FitBit Flex.
Also, information will be available on ways to help manage stress, become physically active, and implement well-being practices into our lives. If you plan to participate in the demos, please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. It’s time for us to get Fit for Fall. We encourage you to use #Fit4Fall in all your social media for this event.
For questions, Janae Johnson, (703) 993-2909,, Office of Student Involvement
Prior to the “Fit for Fall” summer social, you can meet up with Michelle Bennett and some Office of Student Involvement (OSI) team members for a group walk to the RAC.
We will gather outside The Hub by the Corner Pocket and leave promptly by 1:35 pm. While walking, we encourage you to take pictures and post using #Fit4Fall.
Learn more about It’s a Walk-Off by clicking here.
Learn more about Mason Recreation’s New Faculty and Staff Pricing by clicking here.
Every Wednesday at noon beginning in the “Wellness Circle” in front of Merten Hall, meet up with colleagues for a lunch-time walk. C’mon out and join us!
If you would like to sign up to lead a walk in August or beyond they can visit
Mason Dining’s Faculty/Staff meal plans just got better! You asked, we listened, and we will be providing the variety and affordability you desired.
Starting this fall, faculty and staff meal plans can be used in the Bistro, Southside, The Globe, Pilot House, and Ike’s. Save up to $200 with plans that include 10, 25, or 50 entries into these five all-you-care-to-eat facilities, serving delectable food for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
The Bistro will continue to serve as a go-to lunch spot this fall, but that’s just the beginning. The Globe, opening soon in the state-of-the-art facility that was formerly the Mason Inn, will highlight Mason’s diversity with rotating menus full of international flavor. Southside, located in the middle of campus, will continue to serve balanced meals throughout the day. For thosef early birds looking for a meal before work, Pilot House will have loaded breakfast options all night until 7am. Finally, the newly renovated Ike’s in President’s Park will be operating 24/7 and be the perfect place to build community at the university by increasing the interaction between Mason students and staff outside the classroom. All of these locations will offer healthy, fresh dining options while providing a great place to network with friends and colleagues.
Byte plans are the cheapest and most convenient way to eat within walking distance of your office:
10 meals per semester for $71 + tax
25 meals per semester for $170 + tax
50 meals per semester for $319 + tax
To sign up, go to the Card Office in the basement of SUB 1 to purchase byte plans, which will be loaded onto your Mason ID. Sign up before September 12 and receive FREE guest passes to bring a friend or colleague to lunch!
For more information about meal plans for Mason Faculty/Staff, visit
If you weren’t able to attend the staff appreciation coffee klatches, it’s not too late for one last opportunity at a great raffle prize: tickets to the Hylton Center for the Arts.
We hope you enjoyed the staff appreciation coffee klatches last month. With visits from K9 Officer Lucy and the green and fuzzy Gunston, to opportunities to win great raffle prizes and a healthy breakfast, our aim was to reach as many Mason staff as possible.
If you couldn’t attend, there’s one more shot a great raffle prize!
Images of all three events can be found on the Staff Senate website photo gallery.
Winners of the raffle prizes are listed on this page of our website.
I began working at Mason in 2010 and am currently enrolled in the MPA program. To be honest, what initially brought me to Mason was the tuition waiver benefit so that I could continue my education in pursuit of a Master’s degree. However, what keeps me at Mason is an infinitely longer list. I first took a position as an HR Assistant at Mason and started taking classes toward a Master’s degree in Sociology. It didn’t take me long to recognize how truly lucky I was to find a job I enjoyed and a work environment that is both fun and challenging. As an added bonus, I also have thoughtful, encouraging, and intelligent coworkers and supervisors. I embraced this career path and I am now an HR Consultant in pursuit of a Master’s in Public Administration with a concentration in HR.
I joined the Staff Senate in 2012 to be more involved in the Mason community and learn about Mason from different perspectives. The Staff Senate is comprised of Staff members across all campuses, colleges, and departments and it is interesting to learn about what they do and the challenges they face in their jobs. I currently serve as Vice-Chair for the Staff Senate and sit on the Outreach and Education committee.
Outside of my life at Mason, I spend much of my time with my dog. I just adopted a miniature schnauzer with one blue eye and one brown eye from Lost Dog and Cat Rescue. He’s shy, but very curious and playful. I’m always looking for the perfect toy for him, but he will ultimately ignore it as he prefers chewing my socks instead.
Does your supervisor top the charts on best ever boss? Nominate your supervisor for the 2014 Outstanding Supervisor Award. The Outstanding Supervisor Award, sponsored by the Mason Staff Senate, is selected based on her or his ability to:
The winner will be officially recognized during the Outstanding Achievement Award ceremony Tuesday, November 4th at 2:30 p.m. in the Global Center Ballroom (formerly the Mason Inn) on the Fairfax campus.
Download the Outstanding Supervisor Award Nomination Form 2014
Questions may be directed to Kathrin Breitt Brown, Staff Senate at 3.4141 or
Fairfax Campus
Wajahat Ahmed, Human Resources and Payroll
Jocelyn Hanly, Admissions
Amanda Kennedy, FAST, Fiscal Services
Francina Osoria, Division of Special Education & disAbilities Research/CEHD
Amanda Shoemaker, Student Centers
Alex Walsh, English
Arlington Campus
Lauren Clark, Arlington Information
Prince William Campus
Emily Robinson, Hylton Center for Performing Arts, College of Visual & Performing Arts
Joe Hinrichs, Environmental Health and Safety
Cloud Spurlock, INTO Mason
Re-elected Senators
Megan Kirk, Human Resources and Payroll
Marit Majeske, Hylton Center for Performing Arts
Stephanie Zeher, College of Education and Human Development
Andrew Addison, Events Management, Arlington
Lisa Bair, Academic Advising & Transfer Center, Fairfax
Susan Brionez, Volgenau School of Engineering, Fairfax
Andrew Bunting, Admissions, Fairfax
Rubi Chavez, University Police Fairfax
Amanda Corrigan, School of Art Fairfax
Jennifer Hamilton, University Libraries, Fairfax
Laura Harrison, Provost’s Office, Fairfax
Doug Hernandez, University Libraries, Prince William
Lindsey Lowenberg, Provost’s Office, Fairfax
Dean Naldrett, Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center, Prince William
Stephanie Payton, Orientation, Family Programs & Services, Fairfax
Nicole Roth, History & Art History, Fairfax
Brett Say, Rehabilitation Science, College of Health & Human Services, Fairfax
Alfred Underwood, DoIT – Classroom & Lab Technologies, Arlington
Stephanie Barnett, Criminology, Law and Society, Fairfax
Christina Sanders, DoIT, Fairfax
Kevin Diffily, Volgenau School of Engineering, Fairfax
Jacqueline Inskeepm University Life, Prince William
Patrick Ledesma, Events Management, Arlington
Stacey Remick-Simkins, English, Fairfax
Paul Wieber, University Police, Fairfax