April 2024 Profile of a Senator

Meet Lei An Ilan-Garcia, Staff Senator and Industrial Hygiene Specialist, Risk, Safety, & Resilience

Lei An Ilan-Garcia, Staff Senator and Industrial Hygiene Specialist, Risk, Safety, & Resilience

Role: Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) is a part of Risk, Safety, & Resilience (RSR). EHS collaborates with the university community to ensure a safe workplace and learning environment. EHS provides resources and programs relevant for Mason faculty, staff, and students. I work as an Industrial Hygiene Specialist where some of my duties include providing safety training and conducting assessments that pertain to workplace health and safety (i.e. indoor air quality, noise hazards, respiratory protection, etc.). More information about EHS and RSR can be found, here

Mason journey:  I joined EHS as an Industrial Hygiene Specialist in June 2022. Prior to working at George Mason University, I worked as an Environmental Health Specialist at various local agencies and inspected restaurants, public swimming pools, and tattoo parlors. In addition to working for EHS, I’m also pursuing a Master of Public Health here at George Mason University.

Best thing about working at Mason: I love the work-life balance here at Mason and the opportunities for personal and professional development. I also enjoy working with my colleagues, and I couldn’t ask for a better team!

Why serve on the Staff Senate: I want to support and advocate for my fellow Mason staff in any way I can and joining Staff Senate provides me that opportunity.

At the end of the day: I enjoy working at Mason, and I’m glad I can help fellow Mason staff by being a part of a group that maintains workplace health and safety.


March 2024 Profile of a Senator

Meet Megan Neff, Staff Senator and Event and Scheduling Coordinator


Megan and her energy filled Dachshund Pomeranian, Chewy, who is her fur-child and never leaves her side.

Role: In my role within University Events, I am the scheduler for all student events. I oversee all 25live requests submitted by registered student organizations (RSOs) and assist those students in planning successful events. Part of my role is to oversee our checklist process which was put in place to assist RSOs in planning and managing the larger events they throw. I also play a role in coordinating and running our overall university commencements in spring and winter. Last spring commencement I had the role of lining up and leading all of the graduates in their processional walk from Wilkins Plaza to EagleBank Arena, a pretty cool experience for sure. After that experience I have been tasked with continuing in the role of overseeing all outdoor operations we handle for commencements and degree celebrations.

Mason journey: My Mason journey started in 2016 when I started my undergraduate degree here. During my time in undergrad, I worked for Event Services for 3 years, and during my last year of employment served as the President of the Student Advisory Board advocating for my fellow student staff. I also served on 2 committees within the Advisory Board that assisted with coordinating student employment training and planned numerous events for the staff as well. I was a police cadet on campus from 2018- 2020 where I, along with my fellow cadets, conducted traffic control, patrol, and expanding our community presence. In 2020, I graduated with a BA in Criminology, Law, and Society. In 2021, I returned to Mason in a full-time position working for University Information (now Campus Information and Visitor Services) where I managed the university information desks and switchboard. In 2022, I switched positions to be in my current position within University Events. I also started a Juris Master’s in criminal justice at our Antonin Scalia Law School in January 2022, I am currently in my second to last semester of the program and will be graduating this December!

Best thing about working at Mason: The family that Mason’s environment creates. Over my entire time at Mason the friendships I have created have been the most memorable. At this point, all of my good friends I have met through one of my many jobs over the years at Mason.

Why serve on Staff Senate: Serving on Staff Senate just felt like the next best step in growing even more as a Mason staff member. I have always enjoyed being an advocate for others but also gaining knowledge. I thought this role would be the best of both worlds, especially since I love to connect with those outside of my day-to-day.

At the end of the day: I am a proud Mason alum and staff member who values every opportunity Mason has provided me. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve on the Staff Senate and hope to grow even more in this role.

February 2024 Profile of a Senator

Meet Tabatha Hargrove, Staff Senator and Student Support Coordinator

Headshot of Tabatha Hargrove
Tabatha Hargrove. Photo by: Creative Services/George Mason University

Personal background: Dr. Tabatha Hargrove is a native of Suffolk, Virginia and is married with four children. She has a Miniature Pinscher dog named Tangie. As hobbies, Tabatha loves to read, roller skate, bake, and spend time with family.

Professional journey: Tabatha has over ten years of experience working in higher education. She has worked for the state for six of those ten years and transferred to George Mason in September 2022. She loves working for George Mason because the university is innovative and forward thinking. Her position allows her to embrace her broad-based background to serve each student holistically.

Professional background: Her broad background based in both Academic and Student Affairs includes the following: career and academic advising, tutoring and writing center supervisor, college success specialist, academic coaching and advising, as well as teaching and program administrator. This background has given her the knowledge, skills, and ability to help serve students in the Honors College as the Student Support Coordinator.

Why I serve on the Staff Senate: Tabatha joined the Staff Senate in August 2023 and although new to the Senate, she has served in the same capacity at her previous institution. Tabatha looks forward to serving and advocating for staff, along with helping her fellow staff senate colleagues on the Staff Engagement and Rewards committee and the Staff Senate’s 25th anniversary event.

November 2023 Sustainability at Work

Staff Senate Sustainability Update

Infographic showing a Terracycle Zero Waste box for chip and snack bags, candy and chocolate bar wrappers, gum wrappers and blister packs, and granola bags and wrappers.

Seasonal reminder that candy and snack wrappers don’t belong in the regular recycling bins – BUT if you’re on or around the Fairfax campus, you can collect your wrappers and bring them to the Honors College lounge, Buchanan Hall, D205, where there is a dedicated Zero Waste box for the following items:

  • chip and snack bags
  • candy and chocolate bar wrappers
  • gum wrappers and blister packs
  • granola bags and wrappers.

Thanks to our Honors College colleagues for their above and beyond recycling efforts!

Profile of a Senator April 2023

Meet April Lopez, Staff Senator and Administrative Assistant to the Director, Division of Special Education and disAbility Research

April Lopez, Staff Senator and administrative assistant to the director, Division of Special Education and disAbility Research.

Role: I work with a great team of people who provide fantastic support for our students who are preparing to take on sometimes difficult but always essential roles as educators and other professionals supporting people with disabilities. I spend a lot of time on curriculum development, ensuring that our programs are up to date with the latest requirements for teacher licensure and other certifications, and that we’re responding to student demand for new course offerings on different aspects of disability. Another large part of my role is to admit students to our graduate programs, which can be traditional on-campus programs, cohort programs in cooperation with local school divisions, and fully online programs. And I also act as the HR Liaison for the division – it really is a very varied role.

Mason journey: I joined Mason in my current role in the fall of 2019. My husband was already working in the College of Science, and my son had just started at the Child Development Center, so then we were a complete Mason family!

Best thing about working at Mason: The vast majority of people at Mason are working towards advancing and improving the university, and while they all have that goal in common, there are so many different views about what that actually means. To my mind, that’s great insofar as it creates this tension that builds on the strengths of the university, so that the whole is so much more than the sum of the parts; and at the same time, it’s so important that, as individuals and as an institution overall, we’re maintaining a level of awareness and decency that ensures the needs of less-advantaged members of our community are heard and uplifted. The recent Vision Day focus on student food insecurity is a great example, as are the programs that are run across campus to help create a safer, more welcoming and inclusive environment for marginalized communities within the university.

On a personal note, my favorite thing about being on campus in Fairfax is being able to step out of my office at lunchtime and go and sit under a tree or in a little forest. It’s my strong hope that we continue to recognize the value of the wooded areas that are such a feature of this campus and find a way to preserve them even as the university expands and develops.

Why I serve on the Staff Senate: I stood for Staff Senate in order to promote the sustainability issues that I care deeply about. I’m happy to be part of the revived Environmental Justice and Sustainability ad hoc committee, and to be working in partnership with University Sustainability and others across the campuses, especially now in Earth Month, to encourage everyone to reimagine what they can do to work towards a greener Mason. I’m also in the process of building an online community that is intended to act as a hub for people to connect with each other about environmental and sustainability issues and to enable more people to work together to take action and advocate for change.

At the end of the day: I believe that, as staff, we support and sustain each other as we support the institution. There’s a quote I keep coming back to: “Everything worthwhile is done with other people.” I hope that I can use my time as a senator to do something worthwhile, and to do so with others.

March 2023 Profile of a Senator

Meet Susan Brionez, Staff Senator and Office Manager, School of Dance, College of Visual and Performing Arts


Role: One of the most exciting opportunities we offer dance majors at Mason is the experience of performing in significant dance works of master choreographers. I am fortunate to work closely with these world-class guest artists to book travel and housing arrangements, blending their busy schedules with the classes and rehearsals of our dance majors.

However, working with our own full-time and adjunct faculty is a joy and the highlight of my daily life here. School of Dance faculty have danced on Broadway, in the New York City Ballet and American Ballet Theatre, in the “Romeo and Juliet” rock musical, with the preeminent male classical dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov, and around the world, including Germany, Italy, London, New York City, Hawaii, and many more places. I assist faculty in a plethora of ways using known skills and learning new ones as needed.

Mason journey: My Mason journey began in July 2005 as the administrative assistant to the associate dean of undergraduate programs/Student Services in the engineering school. I learned much during those 13 years and served on Staff Senate for nearly half of that time. In 2018, I took a job in industry before returning to Mason in 2021. Returning to Mason was a Best. Decision. Ever. My supervisors, mentors, and co-workers are problem solvers, enthusiastic and energetic, and totally committed to the mission of Mason.

Best thing about working at Mason: It’s not easy choosing just one “best” thing. Here are a few of my favorites: The people, including faculty, staff and students; our beautiful campus (especially in spring); education benefits; exposure to new situations and responsibilities; and access to cultural offerings. Mason always has things going on for those of us who work here as well as for the surrounding community. Living less than 5 miles from campus certainly ranks high on my list of best things.

Why I serve on the Staff Senate: The Staff Senate helps shape the future at Mason. It provides networking opportunities with people who can help in my role. I enjoy collaborating with other senators to work for the benefit of all staff at Mason.

At the end of the day: … as I leave the deLaski Performing Arts Building, I see the smiling faces of our dancers who are anxiously awaiting their evening rehearsals (sometimes until 9:30 p.m.) and I wish them well. I hope they know from my interactions with them that day that I believe in them.

February 2023 Profile of a Senator

Meet Jacquelyn Sims, Staff Senator and Senior Operations Specialist in the Office of the University Registrar


Role: My position allows me to interact with the Mason community at large. As a senior operations specialist, I have the pleasure to work with students, faculty and staff.

Mason journey: My journey at Mason began in 2017 in the Office of the University Registrar as a registrar assistant.

Best thing about working at Mason: The people. I’ve had the opportunity to meet some amazing people while working at Mason. People who really care about how their personal contributions affect everyone in the Mason network.

Why serve on the Staff Senate: I joined the Staff Senate to connect with and advocate for my fellow colleagues. I want to advocate to ensure that we all have an equitable voice.

At the end of the day: I love working at Mason. I am proud of the work we do supporting and preparing students to meet their educational goals. I’m also proud to work for an institution that sets the standard and is willing to push further.

January 2023 Profile of a Senator

Meet Melissa Hallman, Staff Senator and HR Specialist & Liaison, Fiscal Services


Role: I am Fiscal Services’ first and only HR Specialist & Liaison, assisting Fiscal Services’ employees with all of their HR-related needs. Because of the placement of my position across the hall, I spend a lot of time interacting with Central HR with a goal to create a community space for Mason HR liaisons (or individuals with HR responsibilities) to collaborate, support, and learn together!

Mason journey: I started my Mason journey in Spring 2021 in the College of Science. Almost exactly a year later, I moved to Fiscal Services where I have never felt more at home. Prior to Mason, I spent 6.5 years at Northern Virginia Community College, after 3.5 years at Germanna Community College. So I suppose you could say higher ed is my jam.

Best thing about working at Mason: From day one I felt that Mason truly cared about its people. This belief originated because of what some might consider a very small part of their onboarding: picking up my Mason ID. I have worked (and attended) several higher ed institutions and Mason is the first to have the National Suicide and National Sexual Assault Hotline numbers on the back of every ID. As soon as I saw that, I fell in love with Mason. Add to that the amazing people I get to work and interact with on a daily basis and Mason is the first place I have ever considered worth retiring from.

Why serve on the Staff Senate: I am always advocating for better working conditions for my colleagues and co-workers to the point of once being told by a supervisor that I had no sense of self-preservation (and I took that as a compliment). Advocacy and service have always been a part of my makeup. Even as a child I volunteered regularly and participated in marches for equal rights and justice. Joining Staff Senate seemed like the perfect way to support my lifelong goal of creating a more equitable world (or work environment) for all I encounter.

At the end of the day… I go home, feed my derpy, grumpy-old-man of a mutt, Marty, and relax with Legos, paint (or diamond) by numbers, sculpey clay, knitting, baking, and putting together furniture when I have it; in other words, I love working with my hands. I am also a lifelong learner. In addition to being a full-time staff member, I am a part-time student in Mason’s Sociology and Anthropology department.

December 2022 Profile of a Senator

Meet Rachel Spence, Staff Senator and Academic Coordinator, International Enrollment Partnerships, Enrollment Management

Rachel Spence

Role:  I manage the course mapping and degree planning components of all new partnerships for the International Enrollment Partnerships (IEP) team. I coordinate between Mason academic departments, Transfer Services, and our international partners to develop programs and pathways for international students to earn Mason degrees.

I also support students in our China 1+2+1 program. C121 is a longstanding undergraduate dual-degree program for students from China. Students spend their first undergraduate year at a partner university in China, transfer to Mason for about 2 years, complete their Mason degree requirements, and graduate from both universities. I assist with all the academic components of their experience – from transfer credits, registration, academic advising, and graduation. About 35-40 students earn their Mason degree through this program every year!

Mason journey: As a military spouse, I don’t always get a say in where I live, so I am thankful to have been a Mason employee for more than 5 years and a Virginia state employee for 12. Prior to coming to Mason, I worked at Old Dominion University for 7 years, and joined Mason Nation in 2017. I started working in the Global Education Office and transitioned to IEP in 2018. Since July 2021, I have worked fully remote from Southern California!

Best thing about working at Mason: I truly love the diversity of the faculty, staff, and students I get to interact with. I know it’s a cliché, but “our diversity is our strength” should be the official university motto.

Why I serve on the Staff Senate: I joined the Staff Senate as a direct result of the Governor’s telework policy earlier this year. As I was worried about being able to keep my remote job, I appreciated how the Staff Senate was advocating and positioning itself as the voice of all classified staff on this issue. I was so thankful for the various speakers and special sessions they held in the spring that I decided to give back and serve as a senator this year.

At the end of the day: Despite working more than 2,600 miles from Fairfax, I still feel connected to the campus. I am thankful for the tools the university offers to stay connected and the willingness of my colleagues and students to accommodate my non-standard work hours!

Profile of a Senator November 2022

Meet Ashley Marshall-Lanier, Staff Senator and ADVANCE Academic Coach, Office of the Provost

Ashley Marshall-Lanier

Role: In my current role I serve as an academic coach for the ADVANCE program. The ADVANCE program is a Mason partnership with Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA). ADVANCE streamlines the pathway from associate’s degree to bachelor’s degree by aligning courses to ensure that credits transfer toward the student’s selected degree program. ADVANCE saves students time and money, and the academic coaches work with students when they start the program at NOVA and complete their associate’s degrees. We also help transition them to Mason to work with the success coach team at Mason, and continue the goal of graduating from Mason.

I work with nearly 500 students at the community college level and assist them in completing degree pathways that will bring them to Mason after they graduate from NOVA. ADVANCE is receiving a lot of attention nationwide. PBS NewsHour recently aired a report on the program. You can watch it here.

Mason journey: My journey began in 2007 in Mason Athletics where I served as the assistant director of compliance. I enjoyed working with athletes and coaches, and the pulse of athletics. I moved into the Admissions department as a transfer admissions coordinator, which eventually led me back to the work I do for ADVANCE. I love watching students transition from one goal to the next. Each semester, we admit students to the ADVANCE program and it has grown over 200 percent in the last five years. We also matriculate students to Mason from NOVA each semester, including summer.

Best thing about working at Mason: The absolute best thing about working at Mason is the diverse group of people. There are so many cultures represented to learn from and so many opportunities to have great dialogue.

Why serve on the Staff Senate: One of the reasons I chose to serve on the Mason Staff Senate is because I believe in advocacy in all forms. I also believe it’s important to use my voice in any way I can to support the staff that helps the university function day to day. Your voice is only as good as you use it and I want to use mine to make Mason the best place possible for the all staff.

At the end of the day: I love helping and offering support more than anything. There’s always a great feeling when you give back to someone. In this role I am able to work with a variety of students, from first-generation to student-parents. Coaching not only gives me the ability to offer academic guidance, but also resources outside of academics. I’m grateful that Mason allows me many opportunities to provide that support.